Tuesday, June 24, 2008


It occurs to me that when I talk about the bad parts of the world, the ugly parts of the world, I am referring to sin... to people.

That's true enough. We are masterful in causing each other pain.

And though it is true that the natural world, the natural universe, is incredibly (in [not] - credible
[believable]) beautiful, people are also.

Here is an example:

Here is the high quality for those with faster connections:


Marvin said...

Isn't that a hoot-and-a-half? I thought that was a riot.

Anonymous said...

love it!


Kim said...

Wow! People all around the world are the same. That's beautiful! Thanks for sharing.

The Feathered Nest said...

This made me smile and cry, all at the same time!! Beautiful ~

Fred said...

Wow - that was fabulous. Those poor tulips in Holland, though. The group shots are especially cool.

Julia Dutta said...

Hilarious! And now I know why dance is all over blogspot as well! Amrita too has been dancing!! hahaha!

Julia Dutta said...

Hilarious! And now I know why dance is all over blogspot as well! Amrita too has been dancing!! hahaha!

Julia Dutta said...

Hilarious! And now I know why dance is all over blogspot as well! Amrita too has been dancing!! hahaha!

Lucy Stern said...

It just goes to show you that everyone around the world just want to have a good time. I'm with Fred, I thought about the tulips and I liked the ladies in India that were dancing with him.